What kind of rope is used for a lasso?

7th Jun 2021

What kind of rope is used for a lasso?

Lassos are available in a variety of lengths and types, depending on the activity. In order for lassos to be effective, they need to be made out of sturdy, yet flexible material. This is why lariat rope is used to make a lasso. A lariat rope is a loop of rope designed as a restraint to be thrown around a target and tightened when pulled. It is a well-known tool of the Spanish and Mexican cowboy, then adopted by the American cowboy.(Wikipedia) 

There are many different types of lariat rope to choose from, the most popular ones being Nylon and Polyester. Nylon is a popular choice among ropers since it is strong and long-lasting. Because it's firm, the loop stays open when you throw it! This is usually the best choice for beginners. Polyester is durable and flexible, often braided to make it extra sturdy. This is another great option for beginners or children - perfect for practicing your skills in the backyard!

Now you may be wondering how to break in your lasso rope?

The first step in properly breaking in a new rope is to throw a few short throws. You can use a fence post, a roping dummy, or anything else with some stability and weight. This will assist you in determining what alterations to make to the rope in order to attain the desired feel. You'll want to make your rope a little more flexible as well.

Attach one end of the top to a post and dally the other end on the saddle horn to stretch your rope. Back your horse up until the rope is tight, hold for a few minutes, and then check to see if the rope has attained the desired flexibility. Rep until the rope has acquired the desired level of flexibility for you.

Make the most of your rope by using it as much as possible, preferably every day, but be sure to always wipe it down after each practice session to remove any grime and dirt